Self-Care Shower

Self-Care Sunday with Self-Care Shower

Posts tagged "self-care"

What Is An Everything Shower?

What Is An Everything Shower?

Ah, the everything shower. The catchphrase has grown in popularity over the past months and years as more and more TikTok influencers begin to reference the "everything shower" in their self-care practices, going-out preparations, and more. But what exactly is an everything shower? Let's unpack the everything shower and its many different applications to find a way to make this trend work for you!


What Are Shower Steamers?

What Are Shower Steamers? Picture this: your eucalyptus bundle is hanging over your shower head and you have picked a few affirmation cards to attach to your shower tiles to fill your shower with some extra empowerment and inspiration. As you prepare to step into the shower, you drop a shower steamer into the rising steam as you wait for the water to warm up. Wait, what's a shower steamer?