How To: Take the Best Eucalyptus Shower Ever With Fresh Leaves - Updated 2023
There are many different ways to set up your shower to let the amazing Eucalyptus aroma fill the room! Here are some of our tips to make your eucalyptus shower the best it can be. In this guide we touch on how to hang your bundle and prepare your it for in home.
Of course, you'll need a eucalyptus bundle to follow this guide! If you don't have one already, check out Self-Care Shower's array of bundles (including Lavender!) here.
Table of Contents:
- Quick Start Guide: Eucalyptus in the Shower
- Quick Start Guide: Eucalyptus in a Vase
- How to Hang Eucalyptus in the Shower: Placement Tips
- Eucalyptus Preparation and Rehydration
- Eucalyptus Bundle Lifespan
Quick Start Guide: Eucalyptus in the Shower
If you want to place your eucalyptus in the shower follow these steps:
- Remove your eucalyptus from the box and trim off any dead ends
- If there is a hydration pack around the stems, remove it
- (Optional) Roll the eucalyptus bundle with a wine bottle or other object to release fragrant oils in the
eucalyptus, but note that this will cause faster drying. For
longer-lasting eucalyptus, place it in a vase without rolling. This
can be sticky, make sure to roll the bundle outside or over paper, and make sure to clean your hands and the
area afterwards.
- If ribbon is included, tie the ribbon around the base of the eucalyptus to secure the bundle.
Quick Start Guide: Eucalyptus in a Vase
Here are a few quick tips on how to prepare your eucalyptus, or dive into the details further down!
If you want to place your eucalyptus in water follow these steps:
- Remove from the box as soon as possible
- Trim off any dead ends that may have appeared
- Trim stems about 1 inch from the base
- Place in cool water overnight
- Leave in vase and enjoy! Changing the water if it gets cloudy is recommended.
How to Hang Eucalyptus in the Shower: Placement Tips
Now the most important part, the placement of the bundle in the shower. You can place your bundle almost anywhere in the shower but it is best to follow these general hanging rules.
- Place bundle outside of direct water flow
- Place High
- Check occasionally
The most important part of hanging eucalyptus in your shower is to make sure the eucalyptus not directly in the water flow, this can reduce the life of the eucalyptus. The best placement is in a spot in the shower that the steam will reach, usually higher up. Also, don't forget to check on your Eucalyptus occasionally if it has been in your shower for a week or so.
Eucalyptus Rehydration

Especially during summer months, eucalyptus can dry out fast. This is not an issue, as dry eucalyptus can easily be rehydrated.
Rehydrate dried eucalyptus by trimming an inch off the stems, washing in cool water, and placing in cool (not cold!) water overnight. Once rehydrated, your eucalyptus is ready for use.
For a more fragrant eucalyptus, gently roll it after washing and drying. Add a drop or two of essential oils to the stems, if desired.
Eucalyptus Bundle Lifespan - How Long Does A Bundle Last?
Eucalyptus bundles can last for a 1-4 weeks in the shower. To extend the life of the bundle, florists recommend placing the bundle in water, and changing the water frequently. When placing in water, trimming the stems one half to a full inch can also help for water absorption.

Thats it! If you have any tips you usually follow with your Eucalyptus, we'd love to hear them. Send us an email at and we might even add them to the article.
Don't forget to check out our site to see all the bundles we offer!